Thursday, October 14, 2010

30 Days of Me- Day 1/ Premier Jour

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

1. I am an MK to France, and I absolutely LOVE my life here!
2. I become very emotionally attached to my clothes, to the point where I apologize to them if I don't pack them to go somewhere.
3. I am a fairly decent ice skater, if fairly decent can be defined as "doesn't fall down."
4. I love to travel! I have been to 44 different states and a total of 5 countries: United States, Canada, Mexico, France, and The Netherlands.
5. I secretly (or not so secretly anymore) wish I were left-handed.
6. I love anything and everything Disney.
7. I think it would be epically awesome to spend the night locked in Barnes and Noble.
8. I love Paris! My favorite place in the entire city is the Louvre.
9. I have extremely varied tastes in music, but I don't like rap or anything really heavy. Screaming is not permitted to take up space on my iPod either.
10. I am slightly fanatical about proper grammar and spelling.
11. I am slightly OCD when it comes to things being put away on shelves. The largest items belong to the far left, and size gradually decreases until the smallest things are on the far right. Anything that is numbered belongs in the proper order, and every book must be right-side up.
12. I could drink nothing but sweet tea for the rest of my life and I would be overjoyed.
13. I refuse to use a toothbrush that is not green or blue.
14. I am one of the few Americans who does not like baseball. It bores me. But I am one of the few Americans who can follow a soccer game, or the World Cup.
15. I know every word to the 2010 World Cup theme song, Waka Waka (This Time for Africa).

A recent photo (this one was taken this summer in the car on the way to Tours) and 15 interesting facts about myself. Day 1- check. Check back tomorrow for the meaning behind my blog name. Que la force soit avec vous. Peace out.